Ribbon Patch Kit Install Guide

Transform your rig into a rolling work of art with the Ribbon Patch Kit. This kit is made of precision-cut vinyl panels, each tailored specifically to fit its designated spot on your vehicle. With each piece designed for a perfect fit, careful planning and placement are key to achieving a seamless and professional look.

Tools Needed

  • Scissors

  • Tape Measure

  • Masking Tape

  • Felt-tip Squeegee

  • Microfiber Cloth

  • Isopropyl Alcohol (70% or higher)



Step 1: Surface Preparation

  • Clean all surfaces thoroughly with a microfiber cloth and isopropyl alcohol.

  • Pay close attention to edges, corners, and recessed areas to remove dirt, grease, or residue.

  • Ensure the surface temperature is between 50°F and 80°F for optimal adhesion.



Step 2: Layout and Panel Positioning

  1. Reference the Diagram: Each vinyl piece is cut to fit a specific panel. Use the provided numbered diagram to identify where each piece belongs.

  2. Test Fit All Pieces: Lay every vinyl piece on its corresponding panel without removing the backing paper.

    • Ensure proper alignment with body lines, seams, and trim.

    • Do not start the installation until all pieces are correctly positioned and aligned.



Step 3: Begin Installation – Front to Rear

  • Start with the front-most panel and work toward the rear of the vehicle.

  • Use the dry hinge method for each panel:

    1. Tape the center of the panel to create a hinge, ensuring the panel stays in place.

    2. Lift one side of the panel and peel back the backing paper halfway, carefully cutting it off.

    3. Squeegee the vinyl into place starting at the center hinge and working outward, applying firm and even pressure.

    4. Repeat for the opposite side of the panel.



Step 4: Secure Edges and Details

  • After each panel is installed, go over the edges and seams with the squeegee to ensure secure adhesion.

  • Use your thumb in a rolling motion to work out any air bubbles, allowing the air-release channels to do their job.



Step 5: Complete the Remaining Panels

  • Continue installing each panel in sequence, referring to the diagram for proper placement.

  • Double-check alignment with body lines and trim as you move from one panel to the next.



Step 6: Final Inspection

  • After all panels are installed, inspect your work for any remaining air bubbles or lifting edges.

  • Re-squeegee any areas as needed to ensure a smooth, professional finish.



Additional Notes

  • Dry Install Only: The Ribbon Patch Kit is designed for dry installation due to the air-release channels in the adhesive. Wet installations may trap water, compromising adhesion.

  • Professional Installation Recommended: While rated as easy to medium difficulty, professional installation may be best for those new to vinyl applications.

Your Sticky Vinylz Ribbon Patch Kit is built for precision, durability, and head-turning style. Now it’s time to make your rig stand out on every road and trail!